Friday 20 August 2010


I am foolishly excited about the Festival of Quilts. I am going on sunday and then have the next two days off work so I can truly revel in whatever goodies I bring back. I have been trying to work out why I am looking forward to it so much, and have concluded the answer comes down to antici......pation. I can never say the word all in one go, ever since seeing the Rocky Horror Show.

I booked it quite a long time ago and have been putting off buying fabric and bits until I have been there. Of course there has been the occasional purchase, but nothing major. One thing I am excited about getting hold of is the CurveMaster sewing machine foot which allegedly makes it easy to sew curved seams so they lie flat. This is something that never ever happens for me. There is a video of it in action (youtube) here, and I am looking forward to trying it out for myself since there are a number of quilts which it would be useful for.

I think on that note, it's best to end on a Flickr mosaic.
Credits from left to right, starting top row, 

Lastly, I made another bowl.
Loving those bowls.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Could it be that the stands are 99% fabric related unlike other shows with so much that's not knitting related?