Tuesday 13 November 2012

We're All Mad Here (NaMoBloPo #13)

Disney - This Way to the Mad Tea Party
The best definition of patchwork I've seen was "cutting up bits of fabric and sewing them back together". It captures exactly what happens from both the crafter's point of view and from that of the bemused looker-on. It is something that *had* to have evolved out of necessity - making things out of other things which had part worn out - because you'd not deliberately start out with that intention in mind when you could just get a piece of fabric printed with any patchwork pattern. Plenty of examples can be seen on Spoonflower.

And yet...there is this compulsion to do exactly that. There can be only one explanation. Quilters are obsessive compulsive. Which in itself reminds me...

International Charm Square Swap Image

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